At first glimpse, I thought: "Holy Krinkels' 2d Cock, FUCKIN' FINALLY!"
After playing like, for a minute, the only sound I could make was just "meh".
Way to be a buzzkill, lad. I was expecting IMPROVEMENTS since "Will it Slice", but instead you've gone downhill.
But, TBH, if you could made this a bit, you know, FASTER, like in the actual Hotline Miami or Madness Combat, and with a bit more variety to weapons(make Shotgun shoot differently from the Pistol, damn it!) this could be a pretty decent game. Despite the crappy, 2004-like graphics, nevermind the fact what Hank's Head has NORMAL HUMAN PEACHY SKIN for some reason, instead of the typicall MC bright hue of gray, or his mask's Black.
Half a star added for the music, it was actually pretty good and fitting.