Welp, not bad. Simple, challenging.
Nothing too exiting though, it's kinda basic.
Welp, not bad. Simple, challenging.
Nothing too exiting though, it's kinda basic.
Not bad. Nice suspence build-up, better than some supposedly scary games.
Game works pretty smoothly, no bugs found. Did you really made this in 4 hours?
Levels are creative.
Overall, not bad m8.)
Yep! I made it using dungeonscript:http://dungeonscript.farbs.org
That's some creative and funny shit!)
Must be scrapped parts for some cool future stuff?))
10 years passed, still one of the best flash games out there!)
Dafuq else was I supposed to expect from The-Swain, I guess?
Update: I found the reason of the Infinite Attack Bug:
It's the Yellow Infantryman! Do not let them run away too far, or they'll "fall out from the map" into the limbo, where they'll live eternaly, prolonging the Attack.
To do so, constantly order your troops to Retereat by clicking at your base, before any of the Infantrymen escape, so the Yellow bitches will come closer to your attack range.
This must be an enemy AI problem.
Welp, it has a good Tower Defence premise, but it came out short, as it was kinda mediocre and kinda boring.
Positive sides:
1.Soundtrack was good
2.Edited Dragon Ball Z sprites made me chuckle(Oh look, It's Golden F**kin' Friezah! OMG! XD)
Negative sides:
1.Same repetative gameplay
2.Unit progression makes no sense(Swordmaster, the highest unit, while fully upgraded, still gets his ass kicked around by the most basic of bitches? DAFUQ?!)
3.No scroll loss penalty.(I already lost 21, isn't that supposed to be a Game Over already?)
4.False advertisement. This is not a Fighting game. Or Brawler game. This is Tower Defence/ Strategy/Real-time, like "MASTERMIND: WORLD CONQUEROR".
Not bad. Though I'd like to know how to get out of the "game over" state, considering no buttons are working there.
Hrrrm, not bad.)
A bit short though....
Not bad, it's-a nice puzzle game overal.
However, the name is kind of a dirty pun isn't it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hrrrm. Could've done way better, pal....
Серьёзно, даже никаких шуток про политоту, раз уж игра по ней?
Да и спрайты скучные и убогие. Яб и то лучше нарисовал....
A Toss the Turtle game for Unity, but with some unique upgrades twists!)
Including the ability to launch BACKWARDS!
Not bad, not bad at all.)))
Beginner Gmoder, who can't complete his shit. Also sarcastic asshole, and the former(?) Sonic fan.
Age 33, Male
Planet Earth
Joined on 10/22/09