Hrrrm, not bad.)
A bit short though....
Hrrrm, not bad.)
A bit short though....
Good game. Pretty Addictive.)
I'm glad you liked it (: thanks!
Not bad for your first time.
Although, let's admit it, you totally ripped off Castlevania's castle entrance (from SOTN, AOS, HOD) with the most parts of your castle level. But the tiles are certainly drawn by you, you have my respect for that.
Now, let's get to the bad parts:
1.Enemies: That endless spam is waaay too cheap. Give them real AI, make them wander the room and/or follow the player, give them attacks.
2.Speaking of attacks - add a few for the player. That one swing is just booooooring. Make combos, different attacks, etc. But, I must commend ya, you have made an attack for each position, that means you do know what you are doing.
3.Boss. Let's be honest: Dumb, Bland'n'Boring. He lacks any real AI, although he does have some semblance of one. Give him cool attacks, make him more threatining to a player, make him at least somewhat smart!
4.Story - overdone way too many times already. It needs progression, twists. Or you just need to stop beating the dead horse of "we are the bad guy" story. It's your choise, really.
Make some real battle system, for both Player and enemies!
Make some more story!
Make more gameplay mechanics and variety! Whether that would be enemies, stages, stage hazards, or just visuals!
Have a good day man, you've earned it.
Hey, very good tips sir, I'll certainly use thos in a futurw project.
Thanks for playing my game and for the great advises!
Dayum, this game's addictive!
A nice retro-styled game with NES difficulty(thanks to Flash Player's lags mostly)!
You know, the humour and the graphics style here kinda reminds me of poxpower. Do you happen too know her, by any chance?
Thanks! About Poxpower, I dont know her outside of her working on some games I played here on newgrounds
At first glimpse, I thought: "Holy Krinkels' 2d Cock, FUCKIN' FINALLY!"
After playing like, for a minute, the only sound I could make was just "meh".
Way to be a buzzkill, lad. I was expecting IMPROVEMENTS since "Will it Slice", but instead you've gone downhill.
But, TBH, if you could made this a bit, you know, FASTER, like in the actual Hotline Miami or Madness Combat, and with a bit more variety to weapons(make Shotgun shoot differently from the Pistol, damn it!) this could be a pretty decent game. Despite the crappy, 2004-like graphics, nevermind the fact what Hank's Head has NORMAL HUMAN PEACHY SKIN for some reason, instead of the typicall MC bright hue of gray, or his mask's Black.
Half a star added for the music, it was actually pretty good and fitting.
My current Flash game engine can't handle the Hotline Miami type gameplay and don't have time to update it. But the Unity one will! That game'll have a better resemblance to Hotline Miami . ;)
As for the sking color, I changed it due to visibility reasons.
Even 11 years later this game still helps me to spend time in the subways and during tf2's matchmaking waiting periods.
I hope one day MindChamber and FrostedMuffins will make a new game 'bout him.
Crappy drawing, annoying voice acting, crippled controls, dumb mechanics, tasteless music.
Need I say more? I think not.
Your review loses all credibility considering it's coming from a recolor (and a crap one at that!) Need I say more? I think not.
Innovating gaming experience. The Portal among flash games.(not to be confused with Portal The Flash Version). You have done well.
Thanks! I tried my best in those 72 hours. Cool new features are on the way!
Funny game, although I did not like the gay joke.
And how to get "party in the dungeon"?
Yeah, what's with the gay joke
Beginner Gmoder, who can't complete his shit. Also sarcastic asshole, and the former(?) Sonic fan.
Age 33, Male
Planet Earth
Joined on 10/22/09