You know, some people would've said, what the idea of Nazis as enemies is retarded and old as hell.
You know, some people would've said, what the idea of Nazis as enemies is retarded and old as hell.
Парик Снегурочки, прибитый гвоздиком к голове Девочки меня добил!
Прям цитата из анекдота!)
I noticed, the Snegurochkas wig on a girl is attached by the nail in her head!)
Lol, betcha you took that right out of the russian "scary" anecdote!
Я никогда даже не думал, что бы получилось, если бы в ваши руки попал Xiao Xiao.
Теперь я знаю. И я просто в восторге!)
Not bad, quite classic, actualy.
I even slightly lol'd.
Althogh, I don't get why Undertale was classified as a garbage content?
It's fandom may be crap, but sometimes they make awesome shit, like Bad Time Simulator.
After all this years, this classic ultraviolent cartoon still kicks ass.
Although, we all still naively hope what this is not the end. Or is it, mr. Jolly?
Welp, long time, no see, mr. Earthworm. Before I start my review, I must say:
flame shield: On.
You know, 10 years passed since the original 1st episode. After all the years of waiting, abandoning hope, again waiting, and again abandoning hope, I look at the reimagination of the old series I loved and cared about. And, despite all the work you obviously have put into this remake, I still see no reason to get in the ol'good hype train. Of course, technologicly, episode looks way more better, than your work of 2006. The humour has became better, the fighting scenes have became slightly(ill talk 'bout this below) improved, compared to episode 1.
But yet, the few things are not making me add much points here.
For example, the music choices are quite good, but the intros/episode narrator finishers/outros have gone downhill since the 2009, the date of the last full SMBZ episode release.
Some fighting scenes are much more ridiculous, than they should be. Like, when Mario throws Bowser up with an uppercut, without using any powerups. Seriously? Since when the plumber've been taking Hulk steroids to do this?
I personally like the close-ups, but, sometimes, they are unnecessary, like in that fighting scene, where Mario swings his hammer at Bowser's shell.
The addition of the Dragon Ball Series' elements are interesting, but sometimes are just out of place. Like the addition of Hercule figure, it's annoying as hell.
And, as a fan, I'd like to add my dissapointment at downgrade of Mecha Sonic's Ultimate Form to just his Basic one. Yes, I was watching Mark's DA blog closely, I was ready for this. But still, I was hopeing, what he will do some other redesign. Well, I am not surprised.
Although, I will be waiting for new episodes, mr. Earthworm, despite my personall dislike for the new storyline.
Just 'cause you are still a good animator, and I personally like your animation style. See you next time.
Amateur animation, crappy voice acting, senseless scripting which not even introduces us to the characters, which seem to be appearing in your future videos. Plus, an ugly-faced Paralysing Old Woman in with addition of Mistral-wannabe Necromorf. I should've voted1,5 stars.
Although, you still look very promising, I kinda feel the rudiments of violent darkness in your videos, you just need help it growing out into something more smarter, cunning, cruel and ingenious!
I am looking forward to witness you getting better at this. Untill then, see you later! >=)
Eh.....Thanks for the review anyway. It isn't meant to be professional, but I do enjoy animation as a hobby. Oh and BTW, It's "paralyzing", not "paralysing" and it's "Necromorph", not "Necromorf". I should give you a 1 star for bad spelling. LOL! And my characters aren't wannabe's either. They're original, but since you don't know them, it's best you ask me about them before you speak all that bs.
Awesome animation! Hillarious jokes! Amazing music tracks! Intriguing design!(Sentryspy's head design really inspirated me on the design of my own workshop item(still in progress))
Cool! Hey maybe you could make a "Pyrojector" Pyro mask item too, with film-reel eyes etc! There's probably a few potential Steam Workshop items to be made from things in Spy & Sentry.
Animation was nice, I understand, what you was trying being sarcastic, but you have failed on the important - it was not funny. And your laughter behind the acting was really annoying.
Awesome animation, awerage graphics, gorgeous soundtrack, good fighting, and a little bit of humor - that's what this viedo consists of. And I like it.
Nice work.
Beginner Gmoder, who can't complete his shit. Also sarcastic asshole, and the former(?) Sonic fan.
Age 33, Male
Planet Earth
Joined on 10/22/09